Health benefits of qigong

Qigong is based on Taoist philosophy and traditional Chinese medicine from approximately 5,000 years ago. It is based on the belief that we must balance and enhance our ‘qi’ or internal energy flow, and we do this by stretching, balancing and strengthening the body through movement in space.

Qigong literally means “to work with energy.” If qi becomes stagnant or trapped in our body, health issues will occur.  The slow, intentional movements of qigong are easy to learn and will not disrupt your balance. For this reason it’s a great practice to develop in your mature years, if you haven’t already adopted it. It is also possible to do qigong in a chair if you’re unable to stand.  There are also more vigorous movements.

The deeper you practise, the greater your understanding of the purpose of each movement.

Health benefits include:


  1. Boosts your immunity Qigong has been shown to improve the functioning of your immune system - to fight off bacteria, viruses and disease. Studies have shown that practising qigong increases the number of lymphocytes and monocytes in the bloodstream, two types of white blood cells that comprise the majority of the lymphatic immune system.
  2. Alleviates anxiety and depression Qigong can lift mood and address the symptoms of depression and anxiety. It stimulates the production of serotonin and dopamine, and lowers the stress hormone, cortisol.
  3. Loosens up the joints It is great for loosening and freeing up joints, allowing for greater movement. It helps address general stiffness and the symptoms of arthritis.
  4. Improves sleep Many people find that after a session of qigong they will sleep more deeply, which is restorative to one's health. It has been known to treat insomnia, sleep apnea and other sleep disorders.
  5. Nourishes the body with oxygen The gentle movements and deep breathing from the diaphragm that is typical in qigong increase the blood flow throughout the body. This delivers oxygen to the organs and tissues.
  6. Improves balance The wide variety of large, expansive and small, imperceptible movements stimulate the vestibular system of our brain which directs our balance.
  7. Increases body awareness in space Qigong helps build awareness of where and how our body is in space. This kinaesthetic awareness includes intuitive understanding of the impact of your posture and weight distribution, and primes you to respond to trips, loss of balance and falls.
  8. Activates acupuncture points Qigong activates acupuncture points and meridians and has similar health benefits as having an acupuncture treatment.
  9. "Yield and overcome;
    Bend and be straight;
    Empty and be full;
    Wear out and be new."
    - Tao Te Ching (XXII)